Tuesday, January 8, 2013

3 points to my 'Software' friends before you renew your Vehicle Insurance

This post is dedicated to all my Software Friends,

Reason to write this post are the customers who come to us, with the label of Software Engineer, after being fooled by some Private Insurers. Request you to read this before you take your vehicle insurance.

1) No Private Insurer can refuse Third Party Insurance for your Vehicle.So next time, if any company refuse to do Third Party Insurance, tell them that you will write a letter to IRDA and you will get your policy done in 5 minutes! Before you take your vehicle to road, make sure you at least have a third party insurance for your vehicle.

2) If you have not made any claims in a Policy Period, you will be eligible for No Claim Bonus(NCB) when you go for renewal of your Package Policy/comprehensive Policy.

  • When you sell your old vehicle and buy a new one of the same class and type, you can transfer this NCB to the new vehicle.Thus you can gain a big amount..i.e your Insurance Premium may come down from 20000/- to 10000/- based on NCB. So next time when you buy a vehicle, make sure you use your old NCB.
  • Also, you can transfer your NCB when you shift from one Insurance company to the other.
3) You can view details of any vehicle from the website https://vahan.nic.in/nrservices/ by giving registration number and chassis number.Insurance details are also available here.So don't miss renewing your Policy.

Be a responsible driver! Drive safe !

Disclaimer : This is just a brief description about NCB and Third Party policies which I believe will be a helpful information to my friends.You can get full details regarding this from IRDA website or from your Insurer.

1 comment:

  1. This is seriously useful info. Please do promote it on other media too...
